Wednesday 13 April 2022

At Ecru, we use a wide-ranging variety of technologies


 We have also had success in integrating languages such as dynamic flash websites and Oracle to SQL Server data transfer via XML.

Find out more about the wide range of technologies used by Ecru

The Ecru Content Management System

Ecru’s exclusive content management system makes maintaining your cutting edge Ecru Mobile app development & Website a breeze.

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Creating an effective web presence involves the combination of a complex set of skills. In the past, because a technical person was needed to perform all of the work on a website, they acted as a bottleneck. If the Webmaster was on holiday, or dealing with a client, your Mobile app development & Website suffered. Out of date websites create a negative impression of the companies that they are intended to promote.

Ecru has the strategy to overcome this problem. We have refined the many attributes of this technique, to make our websites into very effective business tools.

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Find out more about The Ecru Content Management System

At Ecru, we use a wide-ranging variety of technologies

EDM: Ecru Development Methodology

Software quality is not something that can be left to chance. In particular, web site applications present their own challenges, including an unpredictable volume of users with a wide range of abilities. Software needs to be intuitive to use, robust and secure.

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Ecru is aware that to our clients, errors and web downtime leaves users frustrated and loses companies revenue. Therefore, to ensure that our software is robust and error free, Ecru has developed EDM.


Is Your Mobile app development & Website Legal?

Have you thought about the implications of the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (the DDA) for your web site? This Act affects all Mobile app development & Website owners. It is a legal obligation to ensure that your Mobile app development & Website is accessible to disabled users. We have experience of creating stunning websites that are accessible to W3C standards.

Read the article “Is Your Mobile app development & Website Legal?”

Website  design company

Web Accessibility FAQ

What is web accessibility? Web accessibility is on everyone’s lips at the moment. Stay knowledgeable with these frequently asked questions and answers designed to provide a comprehensive overview.

Read the Web Accessibility FAQ

Why is Web Accessibility Important to You?

This article, by Ecru’s Matt Williams, first appeared in the December 2003 Building Engineer Journal published by the Association of Building Engineers (the ABE).

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